Ambroos Van Poucke

Ambroos Van Poucke

Ph.D. Student

Ghent University (UGent)

Ambroos Van Poucke obtained his master’s degree in Biochemical Engineering Technology in 2023. He is currently working as a PhD researcher on the Horizon Europe project GOOD. He is involved in developing a method that can automatically identify, classify and map weeds based on high-resolution RGB and multispectral drone imagery.

  • Deep learning
  • UAV remote sensing
  • Site-specific weed management
  • Plant biotechnology
  • PhD in Bioscience Engineering - Agriculture, 2023 - Ongoing

    Ghent University (UGent)

  • MSc in Biochemical Engineering Technology, 2023

    Ghent University (UGent)

  • BSc in de Biowetenschappen, 2022

    Ghent University (UGent)